Redesigning the end-user documentation in the WordPress project – case study
For the past 2 years I have been busy reading and reviewing the end-user documentation in WordPress.org. The goal was to create a new design for the articles as they look outdated. The hidden problem was the problematic search, which is far more important than the way a page looks. This project is written into…
2021 Yoast Diversity fund recipient
All I can say is Yoast is awesome! As contributor the encouragement received from Yoast, besides the financial contribution, is a great feeling and I am really grateful for their support. This contribution helped me invest more time into the reclassification of the articles inside HelpHub. HelpHub is the documentation for end-users within the WordPress…
Recipient of the Yoast Care fund
This was a an amazing surprise. It may be hard to believe but I am not used to receive recognitions for any. of my volunteer work cause that’s not the reason I do it. I had a volunteered a lot throughout my life, “always give back”, one of my grandmas used to say and it…
The all-female WordPress release squad
I made few design contributions to WordPress as part of the all-female WordPress 5.6 release team. Most of them are so tiny they went unnoticed but that’s for another post. Why did I join a release team? Is it easy to be a part of a release team? Is there a lot of work involved?…