Category: contributing

  • My contribution to WordPress in 2024

    I don’t always write posts about goals because I like to keep them private. This year, I would love to increase my contribution to the WordPress project to 20 hrs. per week. And these would only be possible if I manage to find sponsorship. Since the amount of time is short, my focus is going…

  • My first website using WordPress

    This post is day 2 of the FromBlogsToBlocks campaign, celebrating WordPress 20th anniversary. In 2006, I started my first online business as a virtual assistant. The same year, I built my first website ever. Hello Fireworks buttons and clipart!! And the font…. hmmm. I think the funniest part of this story was my call with GoDaddy…

  • The joy of being an organizer for WCEU 2023

    How it started Can’t remember exactly, but it was around September 2022 that I was invited to be lead for the community team at WCEU 2023. The bad habit of not saying no, I immediately got all excited, jumped up and down and said yes. I went in like a deer caught in headlights, had…

  • WordCamp Barcelona

    WordCamp Barcelona

    The most important reason why I attended WordCamp Barcelona is to continue with the documentation translation project. As expressed before, we are working with the Spanish community for our trial. The reasons are plenty, they do have a lot of documentation translated, they are near by me – thus cutting down traveling costs, and…

  • My experience at WordCamp Torrelodones

    My experience at WordCamp Torrelodones

    There is something about the WordPress Spanish community that makes everything more fun and exciting. As I made my way to WordCamp Torrelodones, another participant was looking to share a Cabify (Spain’s version of Uber.) We shared a chat group with lots of jokes about the weather and luggage. Probably what surprised me most was…

  • Is my small contribution too small for WordPress’ Five for the Future?

    Five for the future is being discussed but there is no guide for contributors who can only give a small amount of hours per week or month. These are my suggestions.

  • Redesigning the end-user documentation in the WordPress project – case study

    For the past 2 years I have been busy reading and reviewing the end-user documentation in The goal was to create a new design for the articles as they look outdated. The hidden problem was the problematic search, which is far more important than the way a page looks. This project is written into…

  • 2021 Yoast Diversity fund recipient

    2021 Yoast Diversity fund recipient

    All I can say is Yoast is awesome! As contributor the encouragement received from Yoast, besides the financial contribution, is a great feeling and I am really grateful for their support. This contribution helped me invest more time into the reclassification of the articles inside HelpHub. HelpHub is the documentation for end-users within the WordPress…

  • Recipient of the Yoast Care fund

    Recipient of the Yoast Care fund

    This was a an amazing surprise. It may be hard to believe but I am not used to receive recognitions for any. of my volunteer work cause that’s not the reason I do it. I had a volunteered a lot throughout my life, “always give back”, one of my grandmas used to say and it…

  • The all-female WordPress release squad

    The all-female WordPress release squad

    I made few design contributions to WordPress as part of the all-female WordPress 5.6 release team. Most of them are so tiny they went unnoticed but that’s for another post. Why did I join a release team? Is it easy to be a part of a release team? Is there a lot of work involved?…