I’m not much of a blogger, but I want to change that—not because I have to or because something is pushing me, but simply because I want to write more. This year, I will explore blogging in different ways.
Choosing a topic to blog about isn’t easy. Some days, I feel like I do too much; other days, I feel like I don’t do enough—such is life. After some consideration, here’s my general list:
- Learning new skills?
- Contributions to WordPress (specific)
- Traveling to WordCamps
- My other blog
Learning new skills?
I’m working on a digital marketing course on Udemy, so I should start blogging about marketing, SEO, and AI. It’s going to be superb.
Contributions to WordPress
Last year, I got sidetracked from my contributions for many reasons—mainly because I was burned out during the summer.
I attended WCEU and spent all my time chasing two sponsors because I want to continue contributing; however, honestly, I cannot keep paying for it.
Neither sponsor got back to me—not even to say, “Sorry, our company decided to go another way”—which was a bit rude on their part.
After WCEU, many personal issues hit me at once. Family matters and financial concerns took a toll on my health, and I became burned out. I managed to get out of bed most of the summer thanks to my family, my dog, and the amazing team I work with.
I’m not discussing how the Matt vs. WPEngine issue affected me because I’m doing my best to stay out of it. I stay informed—there are plenty of people offering suggestions and opinions on the matter—but my opinions are my own, and I keep them to myself.
I will continue contributing to WordPress, again in the documentation team and will continue pushing for the translation of documentation which I think is very important for the future of WordPress.
Traveling to WordCamps
Hopefully, I can attend many. This year, I will only be an attendee—I’m not volunteering, organizing, or speaking at any events. I’m saving that for next year.
My other blog
I have another blog, and I want it to be entirely artistic. I plan to post one image daily with minimal accompanying text, which is another blogging style.
Life is good now; I have plans, and I will continue working toward them.