How it started
Can’t remember exactly, but it was around September 2022 that I was invited to be lead for the community team at WCEU 2023.
The bad habit of not saying no, I immediately got all excited, jumped up and down and said yes.
I went in like a deer caught in headlights, had no clue what it was all about and all the 9 months I had more questions than answers. My phrase “wait, wait, I still have questions!” was the joke in all our team meetings.

There were plenty in a very normal way. We didn’t agree on one thing or another, people didn’t do what they were asked, etc. Nothing different than what happens in a working team.
This was too much! We had plenty of serious meetings but we also had times to be silly. The team leads, we got to know each other and learned how to support each team with our work.
The Community Team
I must say, being a team lead is not an easy task. First I had to choose my own team. This petrified me, I had to choose between 10-12 souls that I have never met, well, except one. I went with my gut, I started by reading that last question about why they wanted to be an organizer and what their skills were, then I checked on their names, only because I wanted to do my best to get a good male/female ratio and a good country representation. My team was lucky enough to have more than 2 genders represented but this is a difficult task as the GDPR doesn’t allow us to ask people for their gender.
At the end of the day, we had the best group of humans I have ever worked with. People that were strangers at the beginning, are now great and amazing friends and colleagues. And lovely people I really hope to run into in the future.

WordCamp Europe 2023
In general, I had the best time ever but I always manage to have a great time at every Wordcamp I attend.
I talked to as many sponsors as I could, few of the speakers and many of the attendees. The community team was busy at the booth and we gave away as many postcards as we could as well as information regarding the WordPress community.
As for the talks, the only one I attended was the Q&A with Matt, Josepha & Mathias by choice. It works best for me to watch the talks on video to rewind it and take notes. Just a matter of personal style.
The best day was Contributor Day. All the teams accomplished so much and it feels me with pride for the small part I played in making that happen.
My takeaway is that it is a lot of work. There is a huge responsibility to the WordPress community to provide them with a good place to learn, to network and to enjoy themselves.
WordCamp Europe 2024
Since I am posting after the summer, I might as well answer this appropriately. I was so high on adrenaline after we closed Athens that I immediately signed to be an organizer again. I even took the time to write a content proposal from all the feedback I gather during our time in Athens.
Many things happened between June and September. And it is time I focus my WordPress contribution efforts to one project, the translation and internationalization of the WordPress documentation.
Sadly, I said no to leading the community team again. I love WordCamps in all their iterations, as an organizer, volunteer, speaker (my least favorite) and as an attendee. The opportunities are different but the teams work hard to make them as enjoyable as possible.
Although, I will not be part of the organizing team for WCEU 2024, I wish the team the best and will support them from afar. I’ll apply as a speaker or maybe a volunteer. Or perhaps I’ll be an attendee, but I will definitely see you all in Torino!!
#WordCamp #WCEU